

Body changes are a part of life…and your most intimate areas aren’t immune to the toll of gravity, aging, and childbirth. But you have options and we’re thrilled to offer you ThermiVa non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation.

ThermiVa uses Radiofrequency to:

 • Tighten the Vagina

• Add More Lubrication

• Stop Urinary Incontinence

• Make an Immediate change to a More Youthful Appearance

We recommend combining the O-Shot with ThermiVa for even more enhanced results. 



Is a quick, non-invasive treatment delivering radiofrequency energy using a thoughtfully designed handpiece to gently heat tissue. Treatment typically takes 30 minutes and is quite comfortable—no anesthesia is required and patients report that treatment feels like a gentle massage.

After treatment, you should be able to resume all of your normal activities immediately with little-to-no residual sensitivity in the area. Results should gradually appear over the course of two weeks, though this can vary from patient to patient, and some women report noticing improvement almost immediately.

We often recommend a series of three ThermiVa treatments spaced one month apart.

For more enhanced results, we recommend combining the ThermiVa with O-Shot.


1601 Carmen Drive, Suite 203
Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 928-272-6802
Fax: 805-987-0055

Office Hours

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